Oi lau thiet la lau moi co dip gap lai Anh... trong mo. Lan nay thay r การแปล - Oi lau thiet la lau moi co dip gap lai Anh... trong mo. Lan nay thay r อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Oi lau thiet la lau moi co dip gap

Oi lau thiet la lau moi co dip gap lai Anh... trong mo. Lan nay thay ro rang rang mat mui, dang hinh va thay that lau, that dai... thay rat vui ve, rat khoe manh voi bo do the thao mau trang va con ngoi ke chuyen cho minh nghe nua. ^^ Anh ke Anh duoc di huan luyen gi o dau do moi ve roi huyen thuyen ke du thu (ma minh quen mat tieu roi) roi hon chao tam biet va mot cai siet tay thiet chat. Chi la trong mo thoi ma tu nhien thay nhu that, than quen qua! Phai chi giac mo la that nhi~! Nhung du gi duoc gap vay cung thay rat vui roi! ^^
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
oi lau lau moi necessarily have the opportunity to see him again ... of mo. clear that this orchid face, shape and found it clean, belt ... rather fun, very healthy elephant white sport coat and sitting listening to old storytelling for identity.

He said he was going somewhere training gi ve moi du roi chatter ke collection (you missed all gone) and kissed goodbye and a squeeze hands tighten.Come in mo spending is rather like a real natural, familiar through! Furniture is not just a dream baby ~! But no matter what loan supply gap am getting!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Oi lau thiet la lau moi co dip gap lai ... mo. Lan now rather risk rang rang mat mui, dang hinh va rather that lau, that dai ... rather amusing rat, rat breeze Bilal elephants fight the mau va page bo the ngoi ke chuyen for intelligent listen to nua.

I ke You Francine di huan preparation-series gi o dau do moi ve roi huyen thuyen ke du (ma Ming familiar t-mat roi) roi hon tam biet chao va mot cai siet hand thiet chat. Chi la ma tu space shuttle in mo cures rather like that, than walks! Alex Thao mo chi la fade that the baby ~! But du gi Francine gap loan supply rather rat vui roi!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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