SP ngâm thơ : HỜN GIẬNTác giả: Đinh HùngEm đến hôm nào như hoa bay,Tìn การแปล - SP ngâm thơ : HỜN GIẬNTác giả: Đinh HùngEm đến hôm nào như hoa bay,Tìn อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

SP ngâm thơ : HỜN GIẬNTác giả: Đinh

SP ngâm thơ : HỜN GIẬN

Tác giả: Đinh Hùng

Em đến hôm nào như hoa bay,
Tình không độc dược mà đắng cay.
Mùa thu tàn nhẫn từ đôi mắt.
Mùi hương sát nhân từng ngón tay.

Em đến hôm nào như mây bay,
Gió mưa triền miên từ nét mày.
Đường vào lòng nhau toàn sạn đạo,
Bước chân tha hương từ dấy giầy.

Anh rỏ đôi dòng nước mắt say,
Trao em, không ướt trọn vòng tay.
Chiều đi, vai thấm đầy sương núi,
Lệ cũng phai hương tự lúc này.

Anh tiễn em sang giấc mộng nào ?
Giận lây tà áo cưới chiêm bao.
Lời nguyền không buộc vào mây sớm,
Em có nghe tình khóc dưới sao ?

Em đến, trăng rằm xanh bóng mây,
Em đi, trăng hờn cong nét mày.
Chiều qua, má hồng còn thơ ngây,
Chiều nay, hàng mi sương xuống đầy

Thương nhau, gói trọn hồn trong áo,
Mất nhau từ trong tà lụa bay.
Mắt ngại nhìn nhau từng đêm dài,
Nhòa hương kỷ niệm, tóc thu phai.

Dòng sông bơ vơ tìm dĩ vãng,
Thuyền trôi bâng khuâng về tương lai.
Anh hận bình minh, ngờ nắng hồng,
Hờn ghen bao nhiêu hoa mùa xuân.

Sánh vai nhưng không là vợ chồng,
Kề môi vẫn không là tình nhân.
Cười vỡ giấc mê đêm hợp cẩn,
Vò nhàu mái tóc đêm tân hôn.

Sính lễ không hòa đôi linh hồn,
Đính ước không chung lòng cô đơn.
Thầm trách vầng trăng không biết sầu,
Ngàn sao theo em bay về đâu ?

Oán cả không gian, thù cả mộng,
Ghen cả trời xanh trong mắt nhau.
Em đến hôm nào, mưa trên vai,
Chiều thu sương đượm nét mi dài.

Nụ cười rung cánh hoa hờn giận,
Trong mắt em còn bóng dáng ai ?
จาก: -
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
sp poetry: anger

author: Ding hero

I like the flower to fly today, not
the bitter poison.
cruel fall from his eyes.
scent killer fingers.

I like cloudy day to fly, the wind
sharp constant rain from you.
Street in the heart each direction throughout the hotel, from exile
footsteps shoelace.

you clearly drunk sometimes tears, handed me
,not wet arms full.
leg, shoulder permeated mountain dew,
charter also must be directed at the self.

I practice my dream to do?
anger spread evil dream wedding dress.
curse not forced into Cloudy early, you can hear the cry
under the stars?

me to, blue moon shadow,
you go, you're whiter than curved strokes.
afternoon, blush still innocent,
this afternoon, dew lashes down filled

Wounded another, more rounded package of clothes, different from the spirits
took silk fly.
His face looked different each night,
glaze flavor memories, fade hair collection.

River past helpless look,
boat drifting wistfully about the future.
I hate dawn, the sun rose doubt, jealousy
how many spring flowers.

par but not as husband and wife,
lips is not the human remains.
sleep married night passion of care, hair
crumpled wedding night.

draw double wedding presents no soul, no general engagement
lonely hearts.
secretly blame the moon did not know sorrow,
thousand stars follow me Where to fly?

resentment whole space, both romantic revenge, jealousy
blue sky in the other eye.
me to do today, rain on the shoulders, collect dew
afternoon long flowing strokes mi.

smile fluttering flower anger,
silhouette in my eyes anyone?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
SP recitation: SALVE ANGRY

author: Nail Hero

I to would like flowers, that metel no Affection
ruthless fall from the eyes
scent killer ever fingers.

you would like clouds, precipitation from the constant Wind stroke
Road into the completely different accommodations,
footsteps exile from British

double deficiencies raised shoes. tears say,
Thing, do not wet the round-trip hand.
Pm go, dew-filled shoulder mountain seepage,
Rate also fade free perfume now.

You send children to a midsummer?
Wrath spread deviant vision wedding.
the curse is not forced into the cloud anytime soon,
love can you hear cries under the?

Me to the Moon, shiny blue clouds whiter,,
curved strokes you.
yesterday afternoonrosy cheeks, while innocent,
this afternoon, light snow lashes down filled

Hurt each other, the full package in Austria,
D. from silk ties in.
Eyes afraid to look at each other every night, hair, perfume Argue
currency fade. derelict River

search history,
boat claimed the future.
He hated dawn, blue sunshine for too much jealousy,
pink flower spring.

Booked as but not as husband and wifeAdjacency is not still lip,
Chura my enchanted night together be,
teh wedding night hair Child.

negotiations did not draw the soul mate, not pleasing public engagement
Silently blame fine moon doesn't know what's under her sorrows, flew a thousand

Resentment throughout the space, both foes, both in the eyes of blue skies Jealousy
I came 2 minutes, raining on the shoulders,
Pm collecting dew long strokes surroundings.

smile fluttering flower too angry,
The longer silhouette?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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