Lúc em up ảnh mắt to thì FB: "Do you want to tag Seiki Ren/Heyleydia" Lúc em up ảnh test makeup Sebby thì FB: "Do you want to tag Reisou Ren?" Đm FB :'((((
Eye image at em up to the FB: "Do you want to tag Seiki Ren/Heyleydia"At em up photo test makeup Sebby, FB: "Do you want to tag Reisou Ren?" Fucking-FB: ' ((((
Em up at FB photo for bigger eyes: "Do muốn tag Seiki Ren / Heyleydia" At em up makeup test photos, the FB Sebby: "Do muốn tag Reisou Ren?" DM FB: '((((