talents to fulfill his responsibilities in the world!
Supreme revelations in meditation in los angeles, United States, March 13, 1996 (Originally in English)
This applies to people. Sometimes we get down here and God gives us a lot of "specific page", including beauty, health, robustness, exceptional intelligence,our talents to defend themselves in this world, and to complete the work in a more perfect way, because he knows that work very hard, very difficult to play a perfect role on stage dancing this office.
So,we are allowed to bring in what God thinks is appropriate or that you think is needed for the job at that. but then, this particular page, such as talent, beauty, intelligence, strength multimeter etc. .. also react. We will give you the feeling empty;and will give you the authority to conquer people and attract attention, affection, admiration, their respect for you. but this is the focus. you should grab the attention of others to help them liberate and higher consciousness, not for the benefit of you,You do not have to satisfy their desires on her as have many around you, the more you worship you just because you feel like.
That was the problem. any particular page has two sides. if you have cleverly used, it will serve you effectively. many people down here to do a few things, but then, not many people come back,because it is difficult to return once down here. so there should be a competent teacher to accompany you here, telling you that "you have to do it, do not do this, if you want to come home. away you must avoid the pitfalls of this world, you will soon return, etc. .. " but when we are down to this world,is equipped with all the talent, intelligence, beauty, health, luck, money, everything off, we are so comfortable. we do not remember this grace come from. we think that it belongs personality, talent, beauty, intelligence and our luck that we have all that we have. not so.In exchange for this, we have to work. we have to help people. we must use the tools of his site, his device for the objectives of the universe. if not, we will fall alone dropped more than imagine, after taking all the grace of the universe.
So many kings, queens and all,felt horrified. they go into the unconscious is very low. when they are right, they have all, people in all that they bowed to their wishes. Then, it is difficult for them to step out of this sumptuous pitfalls and trying to serve mankind with power and their status. when a king was given all the wealth, power,and the ability to help more people this, his goal is to use them can be useful for national as well as for the world. but he can also take the benefit of this for himself. is a king, he has everything.
So we feel confident in but dangerous. we do not know how to use it.very easy for a king always demanding things for yourself and take care of yourself instead of god people care, because everyone loves you above all, to be honest, "Today, I have a headache; tomorrow I have an upset stomach, or today I want this, I want the other tomorrow.'re always busy with what 'I' want. then,too busy with what 'I' want, 'I' completely forgot what the other wants. did not have enough time. "
And most people take care of their own capital has impeded busy and again and again. many people look back on this world. they work eight days, ten hours, for what?you think they are not lofty ideals? they do so for the sake of humanity? That is secondary. That is the consequence. All schools are teaching people, "you have to graduate with a high score to get a good job, a house, a pretty wife and good children, wife and child will be this and that" .It is the engine that the majority of the school was stuffed into the skull of students. therefore, they grow up with this idea and then we do things just to fulfill that goal. indeed so.
Does not have much to do, not much to offer our world. I'm not saying everyone is like that. At the same time only a few,and the majority is a scary figure. so what we say, just for survival. What we do is only for food to eat and stay. the general work rules as you like. remember to take control yourself. you must not do everything, go everywhere and do everything, but let's think about this.Please turn time into nobler, higher life bar, so you know its true greatness. that's all.
You really like from a noble stream, from the sky. That should be your complacency, not someone else's. you do not need praise or blame because we only know that they deserve.no one can read my mind. a few people could read, but only in a few aspects only, and when they're in their areas. when we are alone in the dark, no one knows.not have a favored brand of clairvoyance does give the reader the thoughts of other people on this earth and themselves bear all the heavy garbage, with the ideas of others agitations inside. so we are a secret and we want to keep this secret so. At the same time,we have a really great performances for this world. you've seen the movie "The Mask" (mask) yet? we are like that. many people like it. we wear a "mask" on, and in a different context, a different mask. and,I think we will have time to sit down or lay down and went inside to check draft angles his darkness; see nothing there. That is the best way we can develop ourselves. if not, do not know how long I say, no matter how many examples I have done to you,no matter what I have explained to you about how much, how many actions I have brought for you to learn, you will not know anything, because the first thing is to be honest with yourself first.
You know what you want, you know you do everyday, others have not.we must see whether you live a life worthy or not, eating everything that we've spent every day of this world. if you say "I work, I make money" is true. but in public? you work from when? and you made it work really enough to cover everything not? 20 years ago, why,when you spend a lot of pen and paper to school, no homework, cheating, or teacher then throws the paper into his arms behind his back, sat like a good student, a good student? examples like that.
20 years ago, we did not do anything for the world. we just exist. we require parents, teachers, friends,relatives and other people. Okay, can last 40 or 20 years of life, we can not be doing much. 60 years, you end up dead. or 65 years, depending, huh? we have a lot of idle time before and after work time. in this idle time, we did not do much for the world, and in working time,we can not do much. To earn a living, which is the sole motivation to work.
Of course, a few of them also work for the world, research and things like that. Their ideas really serve the world and they do not enjoy excessive benefits for this job. Sometimes they also; commercial scientists.we have them everywhere. if they do not commercialize their inventions, then someone else will jump in and trade them for their merchandise, and earn more money. The engine is everywhere money, to become rich and famous. so many scientists can devote their inventions to the world.
For example, if you are famous,or you could invent something really useful to humanity but your invention would be detrimental to other dealers like Nicholas Tesla, he invented what, today has few users, but While he was alive, was rejected and was convicted. so he must retreat,tries in their abilities and in a small funds. so his ideas are not fully disclosed. if it completely, the company will have to file for bankruptcy. so they find a way to get away from him, in a different way.
Sometimes we complain upper
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