- What were you thinking? - Think about Kaishou. - Oh, is this stuff? Shizuku shrugged. - Kaishou-senpai said ... - Spoke protector guards just Chikura-Senpai is? It was such a close friend, Mitsui Honoka no need to say much. - Sure enough. Use counterpart, the better. - Yeah, this point alone agree. Whether the downgrade, different school year there will also be a wonder in it. - But I think Kasumi and Izumi exception. - Hahah, however, say how it was that Minami. - Just right . To think of Honoka, Shizuku said one question seemed to agree. Select students will be more comfortable at the same level. So, that is also natural. - Furthermore, there Chikura Asako-senpai is not a problem. - Say what, magic of Asako-Senpai is defense? - Well! Though said to be unsuccessful problem, but Mitsui Honoka still little considerate. After a moment of instant understood the meaning of it. It's not Tiger's longtime friend. Ma Chikura Asako savvy approach that is "reverse vector". Just know that the original would be shot, you can use his ability to make shots fired back. If the raid suddenly there will be no solutions. This is the same ghost magician. If frontal attack, the situation will be more severe wounds.
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